Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Massachusetts Foreclosure: read on

Honestly, if you are in a state which requires foreclosure to go through court, you definitely have the right to present your objection before the judge for review. And if you are in the non judicial foreclosure state it requires you to file an action against the foreclosing party to have a judge review the foreclosure.

Well, it is obvious to have a sense of shame when you go into foreclosure. Do not be ashamed and do not be in denial also. In fact worrying and doing nothing leads nowhere. Even if you receive the “Notice of Default” from your mortgage lender it’s still not too late to take immediate action. Contact your lender immediately and if you cannot make the payments no matter how hard you try, then talk clearly with your lender and make him aware of the situation. So, the moral is , no matter how many times you receive the demand letters from the attorney, do not just walk away of your home, there is still hope and you can talk clearly with your lender to figure out an alternative.

When Fighting a Judicial Foreclosure is a Good Idea?

Massachusetts Foreclosure Attorney clearly states that although you may have a decent shot at delaying or stopping a foreclosure, still there are certain situations when fighting stands as a good idea!

1. If the whole foreclosure is based on false information

2. If you can prove that the foreclosing party didn’t follow state procedural requirements for bringing a foreclosure.

3. If the Boston foreclosure party isn’t legally entitled to bring a foreclosure action

4. If the person signing the affidavits in support of the foreclosure happens to be the robo-signer

5. If the notary public attesting to the validity of a signature in the documents did not follow regulations governing notarization

6. If the original lender is engaged in an unfair lending practices through fraudulent behavior or by violating a state or federal law

Remember, foreclosure is not at all inevitable when you fail to afford your mortgage payments and now with the right help, a default can be the first step in getting your loan modified. Another option to stop foreclosure is to refinance your loan payment. Although depending on the current interest rate your payments can either go higher or lower, still the option provides you a second chance. You can also sell your home quickly to stop foreclosure. Although you might have to take loss on the market price but this is a pretty safe way to save your credit score. Then there is the option of filing bankruptcy which stops the foreclosure dead in its tracks with the Automatic Stay notice, which freezes all creditor collection actions as soon as you file the case. To successfully fight a foreclosure in court you will probably need to hire the Massachusetts Foreclosure Lawyer.

This content has been taken from: http://www.zimbio.com/Law+Cases/articles/LCdusskMKlx/Massachusetts+Foreclosure+fighting+good+idea?add=True

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